Publications by System

Welcome to the CANTEACH Publication Library grouped by System as listed below based on the System Index (SI) commonly used in the industry. Several variants of the SI are in use so you may see minor differences in the category numbers and names that are used herein compared to the variant you may be familiar with. Any complex device, CANDU being no exception, is composed of components organized into systems based on function (most basically the process system in question, along with the associated control, safety and auxiliary systems). This System view would be of some assistance for those who wish to focus on a particular system. Use the left hand navigation for alternate views. Additionally, feel free to use the search functionality to find what you are looking for.

Related off-site links of interest: CANDU Simulator by CTI Simulation International. This simulator is available from IAEA on request.

This grouping was created based on keywords assigned to the System tag. Note that documents can be assigned to more than one system and so may appear multiple times in the listings below. If you see errors or inconsistencies or have other comments for a better user experience, do not hesitate to contact us at​